1.业主长年旅居国外生活单纯且极为注重质感,对于台湾这住所除了希望能体贴家人共享时光的舒适与温暖,亦重视各个场域空间与细节,透过业主的叙事铺陈,让空间并存了精致性与人文感,深刻投射了居住者的个性特质。 The owner lives abroad for a longtime. He has the simple life and cares the living quality very much. For the dwelling in Taiwan, he considers of each family member. Not only the comfort and warmth of the family time, and also attach importance to the various fields and details for this residence in Taiwan. Through the narrative of the owner, it lays out the space coexist fine with humanistic sense, deeply projects the personality traits of the owner. 2.屋主极注重生活品质与隐私,且又有大量艺文收藏,在空间上需求除了基础客厅、餐厅、厨房、书房外还需要规画有独立艺文收藏室,运用垂直电梯将空间巧妙串联起来;这建筑物开窗采光极佳拥有良好视野因此在配置上采开放式构思,搭配半透明材质及活动门,界定出空间层次感。 The owner emphasizes the living quality and the privacy strongly and he also has a large amount of arts collections. The basic space planning is for the living room, dining room, kitchen, and the study room; in addition. it needs an independent den for arts collections. By using the vertical elevator to connect the space cleverly, it has the better natural or ambient light and a good view in the configuration of using the translucent material and the gliding door, defines the layering of the space. 3.屋主钟情于自然素材,引此空间材料上大量选用实木拼板及天然纹路大理石等材质,并佐以灰色调与细腻光影布局赋予生动的表情,丰沛的采光为这些灰色背景刷上细致的层次,室内低彩度的色调巧妙为空间外的自然景致铺成生动表情。 Since the owner is in love with the natural material, the designer cited a large amount selection of wood and natural texture marble. It is accompanied by gray tones with delicate light and shadow to show and given the vivid expression. The abundant natural light brushes the layer of the gray background. The indoor’s dark hue expresses the natural landscape with the natural view from outside. 4.设计配色及材料选择上采用特挑长度及厚度足够的手感钢刷木纹 搭配反光镜面钢琴烤漆材料,收边以铁件做为材质的衔接,让材质在空间达到视觉及触觉有层次表达。 For the match color and material, it adopts the specified length and thickness of steel brush wood grain with the materials paints with the reflective glossy links with the iron as the boarder which makes the material has the levels of expression of the visual and tactile in this space. .领域定义Domain Definition 1.本案将客厅、餐厅与厨房呈现纵向连结的态势,将餐厅与客厅采用两进规划,在两区之间设置了二扇半透明旋转门作为分界区隔,这门片可以90˚开阖,利用不同的穿透角度变化来调整厅区的景深,产生场域交互延伸的趣味。 This case is to make the living, dining and kitchen as a vertical link. There are both entrances for the dining and living room separate by two translucent revolving doors which can open in 90 ˚. Using different penetration angles to adjust the depth of the field and it brings up the interesting of interactive of the fields. 2.复层空间主卧、更衣室、浴室也采纵向连结方式,规划一座长近10米置物柜串联纵向空间轴,过道上结合精品展示柜及文学展示平台,让居住者在场域间游移时可细味个人的精品收藏及文学收藏,也能在无形中随时欣赏及能把玩收藏,生活中充满浓郁的艺术及时尚气息。 The master bedroom with double stratified space, dressing room, and bathroom adopt the linking in vertical. Planning a nearly 10 meters locker series as the vertical space axis, the aisles are with fine display cabinet and literature display platform which not only let the occupants to taste but also appreciate the beauty. The life is full of rich artistic and stylish atmosphere. 设计概念文字为【杨焕生建筑室内设计事务所】提供